Our Process

Our 5-Step Investigative Process

Preliminary Consultation

The first step in any investigation is an over-the-phone consultation to better understand what is being experienced and provide a foundation for us to conduct thorough research and develop an investigative plan of action.


After consulting with the client, the Paranormal Solutions team will conduct extensive research into the building, property, and community history to identify people and events of interest prior to the formal investigation.

On-site Investigation

Armed with research and client-provided intel, the Paranormal Solutions team will perform and on-site investigation, recording auditory and visual anomolies as well as key environmental data points like temperature, air pressure, EMF levels, and motion events.

Evidence Review & Analysis

Once complete, the Paranormal Solutions team will thoroughly review all data, audio, and video logs to identify individual anomolies, correlate data points, and develop a complete picture of the situation.

Client Debrief and Go-Forward Plan

Finally, the Paranormal Solutions will present the client with the completed investigation profile, reviewing each anomoly, drawing conclusions regarding the nature of the paranormal activity, and consulting with the client on how to best move forward.